That is why we work in 3D.
Today, only those can work competitively whose computer-generated planning enables a diverse use of data, namely by the client, the authorities and the planners involved.
With a 3D model, the building can be physically and virtually represented from design to detail, whether floor-by-floor as a section, as an entire building, or in context with its surroundings.
With the 3D model, plans and quantities are easily updated. This saves time during project processing and enables immediate information to be provided to clients, specialist planners and executing tradesmen.
Many errors become visually apparent in the 3D model and do not have to be searched for in detective work by comparing plans.
3D planning is the first step towards BIM. With the BIM model, BIM leads to all-embracing transparency in the building life cycle and is now relevant for the entire construction industry worldwide. VMS creates high-precision 3D models for you, which provide the ideal basis for all your projects. Through many years of experience, we can prepare the data for almost any CAD.